Göbeklitepe english

The archaeological site of a community in transition from hunting-gathering to farming consists of a tell of about 15m in height. Aug 16, 2021 · Gobekli Tepe was built 6,000 years before Stonehenge, and the exact meaning of its carvings – like the world the people there once inhabited – is impossible to fathom

    Oksijen kaynağı nedir
  1. Neolotik devrin başlangıcı ve uygarlıkların başlangıcıdır
  2. Göbeklitepe, dünyanın en
  3. It’s an
  4. , Turkey’s Göbekli Tepe has been called the oldest temple in world
  5. 000 yani günümüzden 12
  6. ele almaktadır
  7. Göbekli Tepe, "Göbeklitepe"ın İngilizce'ye çevirisidir
  8. 8
  9. tr — Previous article